Reading Comprehension Visual Aids for 4th Grade

Using visual aids during a presentation or training session

June 21, 2018 - Gini Beqiri

Visual aids can heighten your presentations - they tin can increase the audience's agreement of your topic, explicate points, make an impact and create enthusiasm. It has become more of import to make information visual:

"Something is happening. We are becoming a visually mediated society. For many, agreement of the world is being accomplished, not through words, but by reading images" - (Lester, 2006)

In this article, we talk over how to apply visual aids for presentations or preparation sessions.

What are visual aids?

Visual aids are items of a visual style, such as graphs, photographs, video clips etc used in improver to spoken information. Visual aids are chosen depending on their purpose, for example, you lot may want to:

  • Summarise information.
  • Reduce the corporeality of spoken words, for example, you may evidence a graph of your results rather than reading them out.
  • Analyze and show examples.
  • Create more of an impact, for case, if your presentation is on the health risks of smoking, you may show images of the effects of smoking on the body rather than describing this. Y'all must consider what type of impact you want to brand beforehand - do you want the audience to be sad, happy, angry etc?
  • Emphasise what you're saying.
  • Make a betoken memorable.
  • Enhance your credibility.
  • Engage the audience and maintain their interest.
  • Make something easier for the audience to understand.

Using a flipboard during a presentation

Preparation and utilise of visual aids

In one case you accept decided that you want to use a visual aid, you must ensure that the audience is able to quickly sympathise the epitome - information technology must be clear. They can be used throughout your speech simply try to only use visual aids for essential points as information technology can exist tiring for the audition to skip from one visual to another.


  • Think about how can a visual aid tin back up your message. What do you want the audience to practice?
  • Ensure that your visual aid follows what you're saying or this will confuse the audience.
  • Avert cluttering the prototype as it may expect messy and unclear.
  • Visual aids must be clear, concise and of a loftier quality.
  • Proceed the fashion consistent, such every bit, the same font, colours, positions etc
  • Use graphs and charts to present information.
  • The audition should not be trying to read and listen at the same time - utilize visual aids to highlight your points.
  • One message per visual aid, for instance, on a slide in that location should only be one central point.
  • Employ visual aids in moderation - they are additions meant to emphasise and support main points.
  • Ensure that your presentation nevertheless works without your visual aids in case of technical bug.
  • Practice using the visual aids in accelerate and inquire friends and colleagues for feedback. Ask them whether they can clearly see the visual aid and how they translate it.

During the presentation

  • Ensure that the visual aids can be seen by everyone in the audition.
  • Face up the audience almost of the time rather than the prototype.
  • Avert reading from the visual assistance.
  • As before long as you show the visual help the audience's attention volition be drawn to it and so yous must immediately explain it. You will be ignored if you talk about something else.
  • Make it clear to the audition why you lot are using information technology.
  • When you no longer demand the visual assistance ensure that the audience can't see it.

Tailor to your audience

Cull your visual aids tactically and so you appeal to your audience. This means finding images your audience tin can chronicle to, images they will find familiar and images they will like. Likewise call up well-nigh what style of visual aid is suitable for the audition; is information technology quite a serious presentation? Can you lot exist humorous? Is it more formal or informal?

Example of using visual aids

When watching this video, notice how the presenters:

  • Talk to the audition while writing
  • Turn their torso to the audience while writing
  • Don't spend too long writing in one session

Types of visual aids

There are a multifariousness of different types of visual aids, you lot must decide which will adapt your presentation and your audience.


Microsoft PowerPoint is widely used for presentations because information technology's like shooting fish in a barrel to create attractive and professional person presentations and it'due south uncomplicated to modify and reorganise content compared to other visual aids. You lot tin insert a range of visual items into the slides which volition meliorate the audition's focus. Besides, the audience tin by and large see slideshows meliorate than other visual aids and y'all don't have to face away from them. However, your presentation tin look unprofessional if this software is used poorly.


  1. Accept a articulate and simple background.
  2. Avert using also many unlike types of fonts or font sizes.
  3. Only use animations for a purpose, such as, to reveal the stages of a process, otherwise this can exist distracting and look amateurish.
  4. Use a large font size - a minimum of 24pt.
  5. Utilize bullet points to summarise key points.
  6. Consider providing handouts of diagrams considering the audience will detect the diagrams easier to read.
  7. Avert putting too much text on a slide.
  8. Avoid using red or dark-green text as it's difficult to read.
  9. There should only be one key bespeak for each slide.
  10. Ever accept a redundancy programme in case in that location is a technical result and yous cannot show the visuals on the twenty-four hours, for example, bring handouts or a poster.


Whiteboards are bang-up for providing farther explanations, such every bit, showing the guild of a process, creating diagrams or explaining complex words or phrases. They're often used to brandish headings and write downwardly audition suggestions. Whiteboards are also ideal for displaying of import information for the entire duration of the presentation, such as, key definitions, because the audience can just glance at the whiteboard for a reminder.


  • Ensure that enough fourth dimension has passed for the audience to accept notes before rubbing something off of the whiteboard.
  • Write concisely to avoid facing abroad from the audience for too long.
  • Handwriting must be large and legible.
  • Do beforehand as you may feel nervous almost writing in front of an audience at the time.


Handouts are papers that contain fundamental information from your presentation or they may provide farther data. They prevent you from overwhelming the audience as there volition be less information on the slides and therefore less data they need to write down.


Yous must consider when you desire to give the audience the handouts:

  • If given at the starting time and middle of your presentation the audition may exist reading rather than listening to you lot or they might non pay attention to what you're proverb every bit they already have the information.
  • If given at the finish of your presentation the audience may be trying to take lots of notes which may reduce the amount of data they are really understanding.

To manage this, provide the audience with partially completed handouts and then they will accept to heed to what you lot're saying to be able to make full in the gaps. Providing the audience with graphs and charts beforehand is as well beneficial because the audience will find them easier to read than, for example, from a slide.

  • Tips on creating handouts for your presentation

Giving a handout during a sales presentation

Video clips

Using videos are a great expect to engage the audience and increment their interest. Use video to bring motion, images and audio into your presentation.


  • Ensure that any videos used are relevant to the presentation's content.
  • Merely testify as much of the video as necessary.
  • Never show a really long prune.
  • Videos tin can be hard to fit into the structure of a presentation so ensure that yous tell that audience why you're showing them a clip and tell them what to look for.
  • Inform the audience how long the video will concluding.

Flip chart

Flip charts offer a low cost and low tech solution to record and convey information as you speak. They're more beneficial for smaller audiences and they are favoured for brainstorming sessions as you lot tin gather ideas hands. Flip charts are also widely used for summarising information and, like with a whiteboard, you lot can employ them to evidence permanent background information.


  • Before your presentation, place the flip chart in a location that y'all can hands admission.
  • Fix any sheets you can in accelerate, even if you tin only write down the headings.
  • Flip charts can be moved so yous can avoid facing away from the audience - stand adjacent to it and continue to face the audience.
  • Have but one chief idea per sail.
  • Write legibly, largely and in block capitals and so it'due south more visible.
  • Cheque with the audience that they can read the text - do not utilise a flipchart if there is a big audition.
  • Just write in black and blue ink. Cerise ink is proficient for circling or underlining.
  • Using a pencil write notes to yourself beforehand so yous remember what to include - the audience will non meet this writing. Also drawing lines in pencil beforehand tin can proceed your handwriting straight.
  • Flip back through the sheets to consolidate points.
  • Exercise writing on the flip nautical chart advance as you lot may feel nervous at the time of presenting.


Affiche boards can be created using a variety of visual devices, such equally graphs and images. They're generally quite portable and you can make them as elaborate equally you want. Still, they can be expensive to produce if the affiche is quite complex.


  • 1 poster per message or theme
  • Use colour
  • Apply cake capitals
  • Avoid using posters when presenting to big audiences as they will not be able to see the content

Product, objects or artefacts

Objects tin be useful tools for making an impact or even for making a irksome topic more interesting. Sometimes they'll be needed for technical and practical reasons, such every bit, showing a model or conducting an experiment.


  • If you are presenting to a small audition consider passing the object around but provide enough time so they won't have to divide their attention between the object and what you're saying.
  • If the audition is large ensure that you lot motion the object around then anybody sees it.
  • The audition will exist more than distracted from what you're saying when they're looking at the object so continue it hidden until the right time and provide the background information before revealing information technology.
  • Explain why you're using the object.
  • If y'all are conducting an experiment or demonstration, movement slowly with exaggerated movements then the audience can follow. Also explain precisely what's going on.

Two examples of live product demos:

Central points for using visual aids

Try to find out what the presentation room is similar beforehand, such as, the layout of the room, the equipment etc, so you lot can see if your visual aids are appropriate and whether they will piece of work at that place but always have a contingency plan regardless. Also remember that the audience should exist able to empathize an image most immediately.


Before your presentation, ensure that y'all practice with your visual aids so yous know how to operate the equipment. If something goes wrong you'll have a better hazard of solving the trouble.

Use colour

Inquiry suggests that using color increases people's motivation to read and their enthusiasm for a presentation. Software like PowerPoint is great for producing colour visuals.

Using the colour wheel can help when choosing your presentation's colours:

  • Colours reverse each other in the wheel are complementary and they create contrast. Using complementary colours makes your text more readable.
  • Colours side by side to each other are coordinating and they are harmonious. Using coordinating colours makes your presentation more unified.

Adobe color wheel for your presentation

The Adobe colour bike, which helps y'all pick complementary colours for your presentation design.

Avoid using as well many colours in your presentation as this can look cluttered and unprofessional and proceed your colour themes continuous, for example, if y'all highlight all the primal words on ane slide in blue, go along to do this throughout the presentation. Also exist careful with colour associations, for example, in many cultures red is linked to danger. Try to correspond your words and topics with colours that brand sense and are appropriate.

Many people are blueish-green or ruddy-greenish colour-blind and then avert putting these colours adjacent to each other's in, for example, a graph. If you cannot avert placing these colours next to each other then use text to conspicuously label items.


Research suggests that data displayed visually is well remembered: "memory of information three days after a meeting or other outcome is six times greater when information is presented by visual and oral means than when the information is presented past the spoken discussion alone." (U.S. Department of Labor OSHA Office of Training and Teaching, 1996)

There is besides significant evidence suggesting that virtually learning occurs visually - some researchers advise that 83% of human learning happens visually. The psychologist Bruner conducted multiple studies which suggest that people remember 80% of what they see and do, 20% of what they read and but ten% of what they hear.

In summary

Visual aids are worth including in your presentations because they can help you explain information more than coherently which makes presenting easier for you lot and learning easier for the audience. They also help add variety to your presentation thus making it more interesting for the audience. If the audience empathise what you're maxim and they are more than engaged, they're more probable to be persuaded by you.


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